What is a buildingSMART International Chapter?
buildingSMART International Chapters are national membership organisations sharing our vision and goals. Chapters develop and promote the use of open data standards in their countries and enhance the strength of buildingSMART’s Standards, Compliance, and User programs.
Chapters play a large role in their geographies in responding to and setting up programs and initiatives relevant to their in-country needs. Chapters have or build significant user engagements from across the built environment industry value chain and provide services that are relevant to and respond to the current in-country needs of users. Chapters are chartered with identifying standards or compliance requirements and actively participate in. You can view the full Chapter Directory to search for a Chapter in your region.
What part do Chapters play in the buildingSMART Professional Certification Program?
Chapters have the power to drive change, influence industry and command results in the digital transformation of the global built environment. The Professional Certification Program provides and opportunity to further advance this digital transformation.
Through the Program, our goal is to support the enhancement of skills, knowledge and the expertise of industry professionals working with BIM.
The Program is managed and operated regionally by Chapters, providing an opportunity to strengthen their relationship with buildingSMART International Members and the wider AEC industry.
Taking control of the Program at a local level, allows Chapters to accelerate BIM skills in your region,
If you are a Chapter and would like to offer the buildingSMART Professional Certification Program contact us here.
Chapters offering the buildingSMART Profession Certification Program
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Including buildingSMART Hong Kong Chapter: Website: http://www.hkabaeima.org/. Email: training@hkabaeima.org
Interested in starting a new buildingSMART International Chapter?
Applications for new chapters are evaluated by the Board of Directors. Key evaluation criteria include substance (members, officers, resources), independence, not-for-profit legal status and a sound business plan. You may wish to review the Chapter Membership Agreement as you consider the merits of starting a new chapter. For help and advice please contact us here