No, Upon successfully passing the exam, you will be awarded a digital badge only.
You can start the online anytime. Exam is managed on the buildingSMART Qualification Plaform: https://qualification.buildingsmart.org/
Online exam, 10 multiple choice questions
Exam duration: 10 minutes
Exam language: English only (other languages may be available in furture)
Exam is managed on the buildingSMART Qualification Plaform: https://qualification.buildingsmart.org/
You have a total of 3 exam attempts. If you fail the exam, you can resit the exam after waiting 24 hours. There must be 24 hrs between each resit.
There is no expiring date.
The training and exam are offered free of charge. Please vist our online learning material and start your training at your own pace: https://education.buildingsmart.org/entry-level-introduction/
Upon completion of the exam, you will be notifed immediately about your exam result on the exam platform. The result is displayed either "Pass" or "Fail". If you fail the exam, you can resit the exam after waiting 24 hours.
Foundation Training. Find your Provider now.
Yes. Upon successfully passing the exam, you will be awarded a Foundation certificate and a digital badge.
Yes. You will receive a professional title:
Foundation Level: buildingSMART Foundation Qualified (bQ)
Upon payment, your provider will contact you and schedule your exam.
Online exam, 25-30 multiple choice questions
Exam duration: 30-36 minutes
Exam language: various exam lauguages are available. Please check with your provider for more information.
Exam is managed on the buildingSMART Qualification Plaform: https://qualification.buildingsmart.org/
You are allowed to get extra exam time if you have any medical condition. Please submit your medical certificate to your provider for validation.
You have 2 exam attempts (1 initial exam, 1 re-exam). Re-exam fee applies. If you fail the re-exam, you must re-take the training course again. Contact your provider for more information.
There is no expiring date
There is no restriction on where the online exam is taken, however, some providers may require the exam be undertaken in training centres. Contact your local provider for more information.
No. You must attend a buildingSMART approved course from a registered provider before you can sit the online exam.
The exam/ re-exam fee is Euro 125. Fees may vary from country to country.
The fee for traning course depends on your training provider. Praoviders may include the exam fee in their training package. Please contact them directly for more information
Bulk discount may be available in your region. Please contact your local chapter or provider for more information.
If you wish to appeal for your exam result, please contact your local Chapter and they will review your examination for final decision.
Please check with your Chapter or Provider for refund policy.
Foundation Certificate
Yes. Upon successfully passing the exam,you will be awarded a Management certificate and a digital badge.
Yes. You will receive a professional title:
Management Level: buildingSMARTManagement Qualified
bQ-Energy performance
bQ-Information Management
Upon payment, your provider will contact you and schedule your exam.
Online exam, 25-30 multiple choice questions
Exam duration: 30-36 minutes
Exam language: various exam lauguages are available. Please check with your provider for more information.
Exam is managed on the buildingSMART Qualification Plaform: https://qualification.buildingsmart.org/
You are allowed to get extra exam time if you have any medical condition. Please submit your medical certificate to your provider for validation.
You have 2 exam attempts (1 initial exam, 1 re-exam). Re-exam fee applies. If you fail the re-exam, you must re-take the training course again. Contact your provider for more information.
There is no expiring date
There is no restriction on where the online exam is taken, however, some providers may require the exam be undertaken in training centres. Contact your local provider for more information.
No. You must attend a buildingSMART approved course from a registered provider before you can sit the online exam.
The exam/ re-exam fee is Euro 125. Fees may vary from country to country.
The fee for traning course depends on your training provider. Providers may include the exam fee in their training package. Please contact them directly for more information.
Bulk discount may be available in your region. Please contact your local chapter or provider for more information.
Upon completion of the exam, you will be notifed immediately about your exam result on the exam platform. The result is displayed either "Pass" or "Fail".
If you wish to appeal for your exam result, please contact your local Chapter and they will review your examination for final decision.
Please check with your Chapter for refund policy.
Except for COBie Certified Professional, a Foundation certificate is required for other Practitioner products.
Yes. Upon successfully passing the exam,you will be awarded a Management certificate and a digital badge.
Yes. You will receive a professional title:
Practitioner Level: buildingSMART Certified Practitioner
bCP - COBie
bCP - openBIM Management
bCP - openBIM Coordination
bCP - openBIM Specialism
Upon training, representative from you local Chapter will contact you and schedule your payment.
Check details on the specific curriculum.
You are allowed to get extra exam time if you have any medical condition. Please submit your medical certificate to your provider for validation.
You have 2 exam attempts (1 initial exam, 1 re-exam). Re-exam fee applies. If you fail the re-exam, you must re-take the training course again. Contact your provider for more information.
Re-qualification may required after 5 years.
Yes, it can be taken anywhere online.
Whilst formal training is not required for COBie Certified Professional, for other Pracitioner products, you must attend a buildingSMART approved course from a registered provider before you can sit the online exam.
Check details on the specific curriculum.
Bulk discount may be available. Please contact us for more information.
Upon completion of the exam, you will be notifed immediately about your exam result on the exam platform. The result is displayed either "Pass" or "Fail".
If you wish to appeal for your exam result, please contact us and our subcommittee team will review your results for final decision.
Please check with your Chapter for refund policy.